
Here is a letter from a dentist that had patients referred to him from one of our dentist clients, Dr. Brian Hockel: Dr. Hockel, I have recently completed examinations for Mr. *****, and Mrs.*****, who have relocated to Tucson, Arizona, where Mr. *****'s sister resides. I am writing to tell you that I am VERY impressed with results of which I believe you completed for both of them. Although he is not in full restoration, he has an incredible gold restoration on #2, and she as I recall, has some fantastic porcelain restorations. The gold looks like it is right out of a Tucker club, and the porcelain is wonderful as well. It is not often that I look in a new clients mouth on examination, and say to myself, this looks like something I would have done ( pat on my back, I know). After 32 years, I have seen thousands of people, and rarely am intimidated. The gold was, and I have done a couple of 7/8s per week, for many years. Keep up the good work, and share this letter with your team..they need to know.

--Doug McMaster, DDS,

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